Monday, July 27, 2015

Simple steps to Start/Stop Weblogic services

              Simple steps to Start/Stop Weblogic services

In order to Stop/Start Weblogic server for a complete bounce follow the below given high level steps:

Steps to Stop:

1. Stop Managed Servers

     cd <domain home>/<domain name>/bin

    ./  <Server name> URL

2. Stop OPMN service

    cd <instance home>/bin

     ./opmnctl status

     ./opmnctl stopall

3. Kill the node manager

     ps -ef|grep weblogic.Node

     kill -9 the nodemanager process.

4. Stop the WebLogic service

     cd <domain home>/<domain name>/bin


 Steps to Start:

1.  Start the WebLogic service

       cd <domain home>/<domain name>/bin

       nohup ./ &

2.Start the Node Manager

        cd <wl_server home>/bin

       nohup ./ &

3.  Start OPMN service

        cd <instance home>/bin

           ./opmnctl status

           ./opmnctl startall

            ./opmnctl status

4. Start Managed Servers

       cd <domain home>/<domain name>/bin

       nohup ./ &